GMF Detection Kit

Among application of biotechnology to food is generic modification (GM), also known as genetic engineering, genetic manipulation, gene technology or recombinant DNA technology. The collective term “Genetically Modified Organisms” or GMOs is used frequently in regulatory documents and in the scientific literature to describe plants, animals and microorganisms which have had DNA introduced into them by means other than by combination of an egg and a sperm or by natural bacterial conjugation.
With the increase availability of genetically engineered products, especially their usage as food, it becomes a necessity to have the proper techniques for the identification of such materials as a means for controlling adherence to safety requirements and other regulations. Legislation was enacted worldwide to regulate the presence of genetically modified organism (GMO) in food and food ingredients. The procedure obliges the development of a reliable and sensitive method for GMO detection in order to verify its compliance with local act and labeling requirements.
Plymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) has already been proven as a good analytical method for the detection of specific target gene or DNA fragment in many diagnosis applications, through its simplicity, specificity and sensitivity. In this invention, the PCR technology was successfully used to produce GMO detection kit for etecting foods and food ingredients that contained genetically modified soya bean. This detection kit can be applied reliably with repeatability, and is well suited for the use within a framework of statutory control activities with respect to labeling obligations, surveillance and monitoring.
Description of Invention
The invention utilized the PCR technology in detecting the presence of specific DNA sequence of transgene in the tested sample that contained genetically modified organism. The unity of this invention was based on two set of primers concurrently in a single PCR reaction in order to target both the transgene as well as the soya bean gene.
The primer set targeted at the transgene was designed based on the 35S promoter sequence, the common promoter DNA sequence for various types of transgenic soya bean. While the primer set targeted at the soya bean gene was the single copy internal gene. Since the detection kit was also aimed for GMO detection in processed foods, it was designed to target the PCR fragment size at about 150bp, thus enable it to detect the broken DNA fragment caused by the extreme condition in food processing.
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