Short Notes On Development Of Malaysian Sauces, Seasonings And Condiments (Part 2)

Note : 6
Source : Fish-based
Food Item : Fish sauce / Budu
Nature Of Food : Budu is a thick dark coloured sauce obtained by fermenting 2 -3 parts of anchovies with 1 part of salt for 3 -12 months. Higher salt will slow down the fermentation process but produce a product with a better flavour and odour.
The pasty semi-fluid mass obtained after fermentation is mixed and boiled with palm sugar (30%) and tamarind (10%) before bottling. The product should contain not less than 15% NaCl and 5% protein. For the production of clear fish sauce, filtration process is required.
Budu is commonly used as a dipping sauce for baked fish and vegetables and eaten with white rice. Slices of fresh onions, ginger, bird’s chilli and lime juice add zest and piquant to the sauce.
It is also used as a seasoning to a variety of seafood and vegetable dishes such as vegetable salad (nasi ulam) and vegetable rice congee (bubur lambuk).
The pasty semi-fluid mass obtained after fermentation is mixed and boiled with palm sugar (30%) and tamarind (10%) before bottling. The product should contain not less than 15% NaCl and 5% protein. For the production of clear fish sauce, filtration process is required.
Budu is commonly used as a dipping sauce for baked fish and vegetables and eaten with white rice. Slices of fresh onions, ginger, bird’s chilli and lime juice add zest and piquant to the sauce.
It is also used as a seasoning to a variety of seafood and vegetable dishes such as vegetable salad (nasi ulam) and vegetable rice congee (bubur lambuk).
Note : 7
Source : Fish-based
Food Item : Shrimp paste / Belacan
Nature Of Food : Shrimp paste is used widely in Malaysian cookings especially in the hot and spicy dishes such as sambal and red-hot sauce or tumis.
This product was obtained by salt fermentation (10%) of small shrimp followed by partial drying, mincing, anaerobic fermentation and followed by repeated fermentation, mincing and sun drying until a desired texture and aroma was obtained. The process usually took 4 - 6 weeks.
The product is shaped into round, cube or rectangular forms and sun-dried to dry the surface moisture before packing. The amino acid profile of the shrimp increased after fermentation while microbial count decreased from 10⁵/g to 10³/g. Chemical composition of belacan was analysed to be 27.25% moisture, 28.00% ash, 37.50% protein and 0.60% fat with pH of 7.4 – 7.6.
Powdered and granulated belacan was produced by subjecting the wet belacan to drying and powdering or drying and agglomeration process. The product should contain not less than 15% NaCl, 30% protein and not more than 40% moisture and 30% ash.
This product was obtained by salt fermentation (10%) of small shrimp followed by partial drying, mincing, anaerobic fermentation and followed by repeated fermentation, mincing and sun drying until a desired texture and aroma was obtained. The process usually took 4 - 6 weeks.
The product is shaped into round, cube or rectangular forms and sun-dried to dry the surface moisture before packing. The amino acid profile of the shrimp increased after fermentation while microbial count decreased from 10⁵/g to 10³/g. Chemical composition of belacan was analysed to be 27.25% moisture, 28.00% ash, 37.50% protein and 0.60% fat with pH of 7.4 – 7.6.
Powdered and granulated belacan was produced by subjecting the wet belacan to drying and powdering or drying and agglomeration process. The product should contain not less than 15% NaCl, 30% protein and not more than 40% moisture and 30% ash.

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