Facts And Figures

C9 001 (Facts And Figures 1)
2.4 million tonnes of cheese are produced annually by the German milk industry. According to Eurostat, Germany is the largest producer of cheese within the EU in terms of quantity – lying just ahead of France and followed by the Italy, the Netherlands and Poland.
C9 002 (Facts And Figures 2)
23.1 kg of cheese are eaten per person per year in Germany. There is thus an evident and lasting growth trend : cheese consumption has more than doubled over the past 40 years.
C9 003 (Facts And Figures 3)
22.9 billion Euros were earned by German dairies in 2012, according to figures published by the German Milk Industry, which employs 29,750 people.
C9 004 (Facts And Figures 4)
89,000 milk producers with a total of roughly 4.2 million milk cows produce a good 30 million tonnes of top quality raw milk a year in Germany.
Source : www.milchindustrie.de
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